Lawyer Who Was a Cat Goes Viral
A lawyer captured the hearts of cat lovers everywhere by appearing as a kitten during a virtual court hearing. His video, in which he attempted to remove an emotional feline filter representing himself on screen, went viral quickly.
After the incident, Texas Judge who presided over the hearing issued an important Zoom tip: to check their filter settings before joining a virtual hearing.
What Happened?
A Texas attorney named Rod Ponton accidentally turned on the Zoom kitten filter during a virtual court case and was unable to remove it. The video, posted to Twitter, now boasts millions of views.
On camera during a Zoom conference call, Judge Cannon observed Ponton struggling to remove his feline filter. As she asked him to do so, Ponton appeared increasingly agitated and confused throughout the duration of the call.
Though the Zoom video has gone viral, it remains uncertain what caused the mishap. Cat-filter errors are not unheard-of for lawyers and other professionals who work from home and frequently utilize Zoom – a virtual court system that enables them to appear before judges worldwide.
However, the video has gained notoriety because the judge seemed surprised that the lawyer had an issue with Zoom app. According to Reason magazine, Anthony Fisher – a journalist – tweeted about it on Tuesday night.
In addition to being a hilarious example of someone being overly impatient, the Zoom video serves as an illustration of how technology can be utilized for entertainment purposes. As Reason’s reporter noted, “the courtroom was quite crowded and people were trying to see each other,” but there simply wasn’t enough space for everyone to be seen at once.
Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that many viewers were charmed by the poor lawyer’s story. With millions of views, the video has also been featured in a variety of news outlets.
In What Happened, Hillary Clinton recounts her own account of the 2016 campaign and election – a bitter tale. It serves as a reminder of all her failures as presidential candidate and how her staff and supporters failed her. But it also serves to put her loss into some kind of perspective; to explain why it happened and how she should have responded differently against an aggressive campaign that cost her dearly. Her regrets as well as anger are both poignant and poignant – making these memoirs worth reading for their poignancy and insight.
What Happened Next?
On Tuesday, a Texas lawyer went viral when his Zoom video conferencing software refused to turn off the cat filter. He quickly earned himself the moniker “Zoom Cat Lawyer,” and since then his video has been viewed millions of times.
A brief search on the internet reveals that this video is just one of many similar awe-inspiring moments. It’s not surprising, given that millions of Americans are adapting to their new digital landscape while grappling with Covid 19 virus in the process.
The most captivating part was how the cat filter captured not only Judge Roy Ferguson, who presided over proceedings, but a few of his fellow lawyers and even some eavesdroppers in the courtroom.
What happened next? That was the big question – and Ponton took time to provide us with an insightful interview that could not be condensed into mere sentences. Ultimately, he stated that Zoom remains the premier video conferencing application available for attorneys of every level.
What Can We Do About It?
On Tuesday afternoon in Texas’ 394th Judicial District Court, Presidio County attorney Rod Ponton gained notoriety as “Zoom Cat Lawyer.” His YouTube video became an Internet meme and earned him fans from both cat lovers and the legal community alike. Unfortunately, Ponton wasn’t able to disable an emotive cat filter showing on his screen which made it appear as though he were speaking. Later, as Ponton noted it as a good way for him and those involved to add some harmless humor during what could have otherwise been an otherwise stressful time for everyone involved – such as being unable to disable.