The Legal Profession in India

India boasts one of the world’s largest legal professions with more than 1.3 million enrolled attorneys ensuring access to justice for both individuals and businesses alike. These legal professionals play a pivotal role in guaranteeing access to justice for both. Attorneys have the ability to navigate complex and sensitive cases efficiently. Their service often gives […]

Extraordinary Attorney Woo and Whales

Extraordinary Attorney, the new Netflix hit drama, has garnered international acclaim due to its lead character’s remarkable legal acumen while living on the autism spectrum and her fascination for whales. Young-woo’s autistic traits such as counting before entering a room or having difficulty using revolving doors may appear cute rather than distressing to others, yet […]

Why Are Divorce Lawyers So Expensive?

An experienced divorce attorney will cost significantly less than an inexperienced one. Some divorce proceedings are highly complex and may necessitate experts’ testimony on valuing assets or custody matters, further increasing costs. This can significantly add to the total bill. Other costs related to divorce proceedings may increase with negotiations and filing complex paperwork as […]

How to Get Into Family Law

If you have an interest in family law, there are various ways you can explore it. Start by browsing law school websites and attending in person visits. Consider that becoming a family lawyer requires seven years, with four years of undergraduate study and three of law school leading to your Juris Doctorate (JD). Education Requirements […]