What Is a Workers Compensation Lawyer?

what is compensation lawyer

Workers’ compensation lawyers provide clients who have experienced work-related injuries or diseases with legal support for claims such as broken bones, back injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome and more.

Successful claims require sufficient evidence of an injury or illness and effective negotiation with insurance providers for a satisfactory settlement. A lawyer knows how to craft and structure appropriate contracts that provide appropriate settlement options.

What We Do

An experienced workers’ compensation attorney will guide you through the insurance claims process and make sure you understand your rights. They can also assist with filing an appeal or attending hearings as necessary.

Your representative can help you file and complete paperwork to file a claim and get appropriate medical treatment. They’ll talk with your physician and understand all aspects of your injury and treatment needs, while handling communications between yourself and your employer during what can be an emotionally draining time – especially if they try to reduce benefits you are entitled to or try to argue that an incident that took place at work was unrelated.

Lawyers offer more than just legal guidance when it comes to insurance issues; they can also offer emotional support. By listening and responding to your worries and fears while fighting for fair compensation for you and taking into account financial needs such as lost wages and medical bills as well as any lasting or permanent effects from an accident, a good lawyer will be invaluable in their service to you.

Workers’ comp claims may take months, even years, to resolve. If your current attorney doesn’t communicate well or seems disengaged from your case, or is not providing adequate representation, it may be beneficial to switch attorneys midway through. Doing so may avoid delays as your new one waits for documents from their predecessor and gets caught up on what has already been filed and handled in your previous one’s file before becoming effective on it themselves.

Experienced workers’ comp lawyers will be able to anticipate what might occur in your case and prepare it based on past cases they’ve handled. They’ll evaluate your injuries and the evidence you will need to demonstrate they were work-related; reviewing medical records, witness testimony, videos footage or statements from family and friends as necessary.

Professional lawyers will use this information to craft an argument that will persuade the insurance company that your injury was work-related and therefore eligible for workers’ compensation coverage. They can also draw upon their expertise of law to present compelling testimony before judges and insurers that will convince them to approve your claim.

Negotiating Settlements

Once all evidence has been amassed, your lawyer will negotiate with the responsible party or their insurance company in order to reach a settlement agreement. This process may take months and involve back-and-forth exchanges of offers and counteroffers until an acceptable offer is finally accepted – your lawyer’s skill in negotiation will ensure you obtain maximum value from this deal.

At the negotiation phase, your attorney will focus on the details of your claim – this may include all financial losses such as medical expenses and lost wages as well as how your injury has altered the quality of life. He or she will also consider pain, suffering, emotional distress as part of this assessment process.

At the outset of negotiations, your attorney should send a demand letter to the negligent party. This document details what damages your claim merits based on various types of accidents; its length and details can differ depending on its subject matter. Upon receiving this demand letter, they typically conduct an immediate investigation of your claim before either responding with an offer or refusing it outright.

Timeframe for settlement negotiations will depend on the specifics of your case; however, there are steps you can take to expedite this process. These include being prepared to answer insurance company queries promptly, responding quickly to information requests, and keeping records organized. You can also assist your lawyer by remaining calm during negotiations – any anger may put them into defensive mode and make reaching an acceptable result difficult.

Consider, too, that once you accept a settlement offer you may lose your right to pursue further legal actions relating to the incident in question if any complications arise later on. If in doubt about accepting or declining such offers it would be wise for your lawyer to discuss its terms and conditions with you prior to accepting or declining.

Representing Clients at Hearings

Workers’ compensation provides benefits to cover medical bills and lost wages following workplace injuries; however, many steps must be taken in order to receive these benefits, with legal jargon that may be difficult to comprehend. A workers’ compensation lawyer can assist in filing claims, gathering evidence and attending hearings as an advocate on your behalf.

Employers frequently resist paying claims and may attempt to argue that an injury was the result of preexisting conditions or less severe than stated by its victim. Therefore, it’s critical that workers hire an experienced attorney who can prepare a strong defense case and counter any attempts by their employers at disproportionality or other similar arguments.

Slip-and-fall accidents and overexertion of muscles are two of the most frequent workplace injuries, often associated with lifting heavy objects or working in physically demanding work environments. An experienced New York workers’ compensation attorney can ensure your employer takes all the necessary safety measures to prevent these incidents, and hold them responsible should any occur.

Lawyers can also assist in claiming compensation for occupational diseases, which are chronic illnesses caused by work activities. Employees complete repetitive movements each day such as typing at a computer or performing manual labor that can damage joints over time. Compensation lawyers can collect medical evidence that proves you qualify for workers’ compensation benefits in these instances.

If you have been injured on the job, it is essential that you contact an experienced workers’ comp lawyer immediately in order to file all of the required paperwork correctly and file any appeals needed on your behalf if your claim is denied or there are issues. Finding an appropriate attorney could make all the difference when it comes to getting medical expenses covered as well as lost wages paid out – choose carefully!


When a workers’ compensation law judge issues an unfavorable ruling, either party can file for an appeal within 30 days. At this stage, the case is reviewed by a panel of three Board Members who can affirm, modify or overturn their original decision; alternatively it could go back before its original judge for further hearings; should their verdict not be unanimous, any interested party can petition the full Board review process for additional scrutiny of the ruling.

When filing an appeal, lawyers must abide by a series of technical rules, which include how the appeal should be submitted, what documents must be included, who may assist, and the laws that pertain to these cases in order to present arguments on behalf of clients.

Appealing can be a complex process for those dealing with serious injuries or illnesses, involving both hearing preparations and attending medical appointments required to maintain eligibility for benefits. At our firm, our lawyers are adept in this area of law and can assist clients as they work through the appeals process.

In some states, workers’ comp settlements may be subject to judicial appeal; however, this option isn’t always available and it is essential that you understand all applicable laws before making decisions on this front.

Unfavorable rulings by workers’ comp law judges can have severe repercussions for you. If you are considering appealing, Katz, Leidman, Freund & Herman’s team of legal experts at Katz Leidman Freund & Herman can answer your questions and explain the appeals process during a free consultation – this will allow us to determine whether an appeal would increase the odds of achieving more favorable outcomes in your case. Our firm has recovered millions for injured clients over time while staying abreast of current rules related to workers comp appeals.