How Long Is Family Law?

how long is family law

Family law is an expansive area of the law that deals with matters affecting domestic relationships and families. This encompasses divorce, child custody, adoption, as well as other cases.

Family law is a highly sensitive area, so having legal counsel by your side throughout the process is essential. Fortunately, many family lawyers work part-time so you can gain valuable experience early in your career.


When it comes to family law, there are many variables that can contribute to how long a divorce takes to finalize. Fortunately, there are ways to streamline this process and make it as speedy as possible.

To expedite the divorce process, try to resolve all issues prior to filing for divorce. Doing this will make the case move much faster and save money as you won’t need to spend any time disputing them with your spouse.

Another way to expedite the process is by working with an experienced attorney who can prepare your paperwork and negotiate a settlement before filing with the court. At Grimes & Fertitta, we can assist you in creating a strategy for settlement so that paperwork is finished quickly so you can move on with your life more quickly.

If you and your spouse can’t come to an agreement, then a trial is the next step in your legal journey. At this stage, lawyers from both sides present evidence and testimony which will ultimately help the judge render a decision in your favor.

Trials can be costly and time-consuming, so it’s best to explore alternative solutions like mediation if possible. Mediation helps you and your spouse reach a mutually agreeable resolution to issues that cannot be settled during negotiations.

One of the primary factors that can cause a divorce to be delayed is disagreements between you and your spouse regarding asset division, custody arrangements or child support. These matters require extra investigation and require extra time, adding months onto the length of your case.

Finally, a backlog in the court system can slow down divorce proceedings if your county has too many cases pending. This is because they need to get each case onto their schedule before issuing a divorce decree, and often times have plenty of work on their plate.

Although it’s impossible to estimate how long a divorce will take, it is always better to start early in the process. Working with an attorney who can prepare your case and set priorities can make for an efficient divorce experience.

Child Custody

When divorcing or separating, child custody and parenting time can be contentious issues. Therefore, it’s essential to know how long the process will take and what types of outcomes to expect.

Family law cases can take months or years to resolve, depending on the complexity of the issues and whether there are any disputes regarding custody and visitation. If your situation involves a complex dispute, it may be beneficial to hire an experienced lawyer who can guide you through the process.

Typically, child custody and parental rights cases are decided based on what’s best for the children. A judge will take into account several factors when making their determination; these include developmental needs of the kids, safety concerns, each parent’s physical and mental health status, as well as any other relevant factors deemed relevant by the court.

Relationships between parents are also critical. If one parent is constantly disparaging the other in front of the children or otherwise trying to prevent them from visiting the other parent, this will not be looked upon favorably by a judge.

As such, it is essential to foster a strong and positive relationship with your ex-partner as early on in the proceedings. This is especially pertinent if the two of you have been living together for some time; having a healthy bond will be an integral factor when determining custody and parenting time arrangements.

During the custody establishment phase, it is essential for both parties to document their visits with the children and any activities they undertake. Having this documentation can serve as evidence in court and help you obtain an uncontested custody order.

Many custody establishment cases are resolved during court hearings, but there’s always the chance that a judge will award a trial date. On average, custody trials last one to two days with both parties and their lawyers appearing before the judge.

Child Support

The time it takes to obtain a court order on child support depends on several factors. Generally, the process takes longer when there is either an extended distance case or someone attempts to avoid being served with papers.

Before determining the appropriate child support obligation, judges take into account both the number of children and income each parent has. Many states use a child support guidelines chart as the basis for this calculation.

However, the actual determination of child support depends on a person’s financial data and can be highly complex. For instance, how much rent or groceries are spent can have an effect on a parent’s income and thus what amount of child support is necessary.

Another factor that may impact child support calculations is how much time a parent spends with their children. In certain states, overnight stays may be taken into account when calculating support payments.

New York State offers the Child Support Program to assist parents with this process and get an accurate estimation of their income and expenses. It can also assist those who fall behind on payments get back on track, ensuring they don’t owe more money than necessary to the other parent.

When a parent’s income changes, a Child Support Modification can be filed in Family Court to request the court to alter its order. To verify the new earnings of the parent, paperwork such as tax returns or paystubs must be provided; additionally, these new earnings must be compared with previous earnings.

When deciding if a modification to child support order is needed, the court takes into account several other factors. These include how much time a parent spends with their child, medical needs and other expenses.

The court must periodically review the Guidelines to guarantee they remain fair and adequate for calculating child support obligations. This requirement exists under both federal law and Indiana law alike.


Family law is the body of legal rules that regulates all aspects of family life. This encompasses marriage, divorce, child custody and support, domestic violence, adoption, reproductive rights as well as questions related to families’ economic status and the state’s role in family matters.

Family definition: A family is a group of individuals that share social, psychological and economic ties. This could be one unit like the nuclear family; or it could be composed of several smaller units like clans or tribes. Families have long been an essential factor in societies around the world for social development as well as economic prosperity.

Through history, families have provided a foundational identity and support system for individuals. In some cultures it has been custom that those who marry or have children are considered members of the family; in others there has been no legal definition and spouses create their economic consequences through marriage contracts or wills.

One important principle in family law is that natural or adoptive parents have primary responsibility for raising their children, regardless of whether they are married or adopted. This arrangement has been justified on many grounds such as convenience in raising them with their biological parents and religious convictions.

Though family law has gained acceptance, it can still present issues and be challenging to interpret. It may become a hindrance when trying to determine the best interests of a child and cause significant difficulty when determining custody, visitation, and support arrangements for parents with different income levels or lifestyles.

Therefore, seeking legal counsel before filing a modification request is strongly recommended. A skilled family law attorney can effectively negotiate with the other party or court to reach an agreement.

The amount of time it takes to resolve a modification issue depends on the complexity, the parties’ willingness to collaborate, and when the court hears arguments. On average, cases take less than one year to resolve.