What Law School Classes Are on the Bar?

While in law school, students have the option of taking various classes to meet ABA graduation requirements. While these courses typically won’t be tested on the bar exam, they can provide valuable supplementary instruction nonetheless. First-year law students must take at least five of these courses: civil procedure, contracts, torts, constitutional law and criminal law. […]

What is Divorce Law?

Divorce law defines the process by which couples who wish to divorce can legally end their marriage. It also sets forth how property and other matters are divided between parties after a divorce has been finalized. New York courts recognize both fault-based and no-fault grounds for divorce. Couples may qualify for a no-fault divorce if […]

How Much Does a Lawyer Make in a Class Action Lawsuit?

Class action lawsuits are legal actions that enable a collective group of people to bring an action against the defendant collectively. They often arise out of cases involving automobile defects, consumer product liability claims, unsafe pharmaceuticals and medical devices as well as employment disputes. Attorneys representing plaintiffs in class actions typically work on a contingency […]

How Much Do Personal Injury Lawyers Make?

If you have been injured in a car accident or another type of incident, you may want to hire a personal injury lawyer for assistance with your case. A lawyer can protect your rights, negotiate with insurance companies, and get you the compensation that is owed. Personal injury attorneys typically charge a percentage of their […]